·达拉斯 [切换]
    • 职位:Warehouse Supervisor 仓库主管 JD
    • 区域:达拉斯
    • 地址:4001 Main Street
      • 联系人:MANDY YU
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
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    Warehouse Supervisor 仓库主管 JD

    Area: Dallas area in TX

    Position: full-time


    1.        Comprehensively manage the internal work of the warehouse, control warehouse management costs and labor costs, reduce costs and increase efficiency;

    2.        Regularly organize meetings, formulate work goals and plans, coordinate and solve the problems and difficulties of each group;

    3.        Responsible for in team building, formulate talent training and talent reserve plans, and do a good job in the performance appraisal of internal team leaders and employees;

    4.        Supervise and inspect warehouse operation specifications, ensure personnel safety and the safety of goods in the warehouse, and take safety measures such as fire prevention and anti-theft;

    5.        Coordinate the work of various domestic departments and warehouses to ensure that information is delivered in place and supervise the implementation of feedback;             

    6.        Warehouse 5S construction, perfect warehouse management, improve warehouse capacity and appearance, and guarantee warehouse 5S work;                                                                                                  

    7.        Supervise and inspect the maintenance and maintenance of various equipment in the warehouse, do a good job in the management of materials and consumables, save costs, and provide guarantee for warehouse operations.               



    1.        Education requirements: college degree and above                                                                                                     

    2.        Proficiency in English and Chinese                                                  

    3.        Working experience in large-scale cross-border e-commerce or overseas warehouse three-dimensional warehouse management (3 years and above)                                                                          

    4.        Authorized to work for any employers in the US.                                                                                           

    5.        Communication, Coordination, and Management skills                                                                                

    6.        Familiarity with WMS system and warehouse work flow.                                                                                            

    7.        A strong sense of responsibility and team spirit, ability to withstand certain work pressure; Proficiency in Office software                                                                                                             

    8.        Have a strong ability to discover and solve problems, and be good at discovering safety and operational problems in warehouse operations and solving them in time.                                

    Warehouse Supervisor 仓库主管 JD


    1.        全面统筹管理仓库内部工作,控制仓库管理成本和人工成本,降本增效;

    2.        定期组织会议,制定工作目标和**,协调解决各小组问题和困难;        

    3.        做好团队建设,制定人才培养和人才储备**,做好内部组长和员工的绩效考核工作;

    4.        监督和检查仓库作业规范,确保人员安全和库内货物安全,做好防火、防盗等安全措施;

    5.        协调国内各个部门与仓库端的各项工作,保证信息传达到位并监督反馈落实情况;     

    6.        仓库6S建设,完善库内管理,提升仓容仓貌,保障仓库的6S工作;                                             

    7.        监督和检查库内各类设备的维护和保养,做好物资耗材管理工作,节约成本,为仓库作业提供保障。


    1.        学历要求:专科及以上学历

    2.        语言要求:能够同时具备仓库英语与中文的良好听说读写能力      

    3.        工作经验:有大型跨境电商或海外仓立体仓库管理工作经验或相似工作经验1年及以上。

    4.        身份要求:有当地合法的工作和居留的许可,管培生除外。

    5.        备较强沟通管理能力,能够独立沟通处理仓库外部事务及仓库内部管理事务;      

    6.        熟练使用WMS等仓储管理系统,对仓库作业流程及优化有较好见解;

    7.        具备较强的责任心和团队精神,能承受一定工作压力;     

    8.        熟练使用WPS office等办公软件;

    9.        具备较强的发现问题及解决问题的能力,善于发现仓库运作中存在的安全问题及操作问题并及时解决



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