·达拉斯 [切换]
    • 职位:管培生(仓储管理方向)
    • 区域:达拉斯
    • 地址:main street , the colony
      • 联系人:MANDY YU
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
        • 58海外提醒您:本站仅作为便民信息搬运工,请自行分辨信息真假。
    • 信息详情

    We are seeking for candidates who have international vision and strong potential of management mindset, wish you are committed to excellence and willing to be new force to become management role in our company! If you are interested, please come and join us!


    1.     Attend rotation job in different departments, positions; learn business and operation of company, understand and adhere to company policies and procedures and industry regulations and compliance standards;

    2.     Shadow experienced managers and executives to observe their decision-making processes and leadership styles; Assist in monitoring and managing inventory levels and learn to conduct regular cycle counts, reconcile discrepancies, and maintain accurate records;

    3.     Gain hands-on experience in order picking, packing, and shipping processes; Work closely with other members to ensure accurate and timely order fulfillment;

    4.     Undergo periodic evaluations to assess progress and identify areas for improvement and receive feedback from mentors and supervisors;

    5.     Attend different kinds of training and activities, to supplement management knowledge and skills; Prepare for presentation of projects, motivate team collaboration and teamwork abilities.


    1. Fresh graduates with bachelor degree or abovemajor in logistics or management related majors are preferred;

    2. With legal work permit;

    3. Bilingual communication, fluent in Chinese and local language;

    4. Proficient in using computer, including office software such as office, can quickly learn how to use warehousing-related systems;

    5. Have a strong sense of responsibility, ability to bear pressure, potential in business operation thinking, ** foresight and decision-making ability.




    1.         参加不同部门、岗位的轮岗;学习公司的业务和运作,了解并遵守公司政策和程序以及行业法规和合规标准;

    2.         跟随经验丰富的经理和高管,观察他们的决策过程和领导风格;协助监控和管理库存水平,学习定期进行周期清点、核对差异并保持准确记录;

    3.         获得订单分拣、包装和装运流程的实践经验;与其他成员密切合作,确保准确及时地完成订单;

    4.         接受定期评估,以评估进展情况,确定需要改进的地方,并从导师和主管那里获得反馈;

    5.         参加各类培训和活动,补充管理知识和技能;准备项目演示,激发团队协作和团队精神。


    1. 应届毕业生,本科及以上学历,物流或管理相关专业优先;

    2. 持有合法工作许可证;

    3. 双语沟通,精通中文和当地语言;

    4. 熟练使用电脑,包括 office 等办公软件,能快速学会使用仓储相关系统;

    5. 有较强的责任心、承压能力、潜在的商业运作思维,极具前瞻性和决策能力。



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